A member asked:

I have been diagnosed with flat warts. i have been prescribed imiquimod cream and have not seen any results and have such a large amount. i don't want?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Duct tape: There are a number of anecdotal accounts of the shrinkage of warts with duct tape. Can't hurt and worth a try. Just tear off piece and plant it over one of your wart crops for six weeks and then take a peek.

Answered 6/7/2016



Warts are tough: Don't give up. Warts can be tough to get rid of. Not sure if you've given the imiquimod enough time to work...but there are other options should that fail. There is old fashioned 'ablation' with a freeze spray or possibly a laser- ask your dermatologist about that. I'm a fan of 'occlusion therapy'- taping them up for weeks at a time- which helps immune system to recognize the viruses are there.

Answered 6/7/2016



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