A member asked:

My dad has stage 4 lung cancer with bone metastasis. second line chemotherapy completed fully before 2 months. now he has frequent cough and vomiting?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Liawaty Ho answered

Specializes in Hematology and Oncology

Go to see onc: He needs to go to see his oncologist to see if his current symptom of progressive cough is related to progression of cancer- or it this is associated to something else. What type of lung cancer that your father has? If this is an adenocarcinoma of the lung maintenance therapy is something that should be considered following chemotherapy regimen.A ct scan is something he probably should get done.

Answered 4/16/2021



Call his oncologist: Any patient with lung cancer who develops a new cough while not on treatment should call his oncologist to explain what is going on and determine if he needs to be seen and possibly imaged.

Answered 4/10/2013



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