A member asked:

I threw up this morning and now i have a red/ purple blotchy face. is there a way to help get rid of it?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Fades: Vomiting and retching cause straining which in turn can affect the facial skin vessels to dilate which results in redness. This should gradually fade as long there are no further episodes of retching and vomiting. If there is continued nausea, drink flat room temperature ginger ale which relieves nausea.

Answered 12/13/2015



Will go away itself: No treatment is needed it will get better by itself.It happens due to increased pressure in the capillaries which carry blood.Too much pressure fills them up with blood and some may break. It does not require any treatment and usually go away in 1 to 3 days

Answered 12/13/2015



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