A member asked:

Ive have swollen lymph odes in my neck for over a month now. i've seen two doctors and done blood tests. what could be he cause? i have been stressed a lot lately and have two kids, so i don't get the sleep i should. but they said my blood tests were norm

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Hernani Cualing answered

Specializes in Pathology

Continue next steps: Keep talking with those doctors as blood test may not reveal the cause of the enlarged neck nodes. Additional examination for possible local inflammatory condition in your body, may be needed and if no obvious cause, by the third month, you may need lymph node biopsy. Benign causes still exceed cancerous causes and hematology and pathology consults may be useful. Do not worry, most arre treatable.

Answered 5/20/2016



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