A member asked:

What are the causes of a sudden, sore, burning throat, accompanied by a dry cough and shortness of breath. the roof of my mouth feels as if it was burned. in addition, my throat feels tight and eating food seems to irritate it even more. ?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. M. Hytham Beck answered

Specializes in Surgery

Posterior drip: what you are describing is typical of posterior nasal drip. while you are asleep, the posterior nasal drip will irritate your throat, and your vocal cord, and your wind pipe. you will end up with a bad dry cough, sore throat, that will eventually get worst as the cough get worst. sleep with your head up. take benadryl (diphenhydramine) at night. take zyrtec during the day. drink hot tea with lemon and honey

Answered 9/5/2016


Dr. Katharine Cox answered

Specializes in Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Sudden onset: Makes it suspicious for something you ate or drank. Protect the area and try a Benadryl (diphenhydramine). If the pain and throat tightness continue see a doctor. All the best.

Answered 6/22/2015



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