A member asked:

Causes of elevated ferritin 4641 and it's dangers?

3 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Matt Wachsman answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

That is a very high: level and implies a hereditary condition or getting a lot of it. (many transfusions, a LOT of iron vitamins). Mostly, HEMOCROMATOSIS .. a hereditary condition. The iron builds up in the skin (gray , slate color) and liver. ANd can cause liver failure/cirrhosis/death.

Answered 5/17/2017


Dr. Amrit Singh answered

Specializes in Cardiology

Yes: may be hemochromatosis in which accumulate 20 grams of total body iron normal iron content for the body is 3-4 grams. The excess iron deposits in the joints, liver, testicles, and heart, which causes damage to these organs, and causes signs and symptoms of hemochromatosis. may cause Hodgkins disease, leukemia, arthritis. must see an hematologist.

Answered 5/31/2015


Dr. Hernani Cualing answered

Specializes in Pathology

Many causes, listed: HELLO, Kathy. In general very high ferritin can be found in indolent chronic inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, iron overload anemiaChronicdiseas or hemophagocytic syndrome but can also be from malignancies, hence you need a complete clinical and lab investigation to pinpoint the cause. The danger is not knowing the cause which may be worse than inflammatory. Check with your MD right away.

Answered 6/10/2015



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