A member asked:

Seems like tooth is rubbing against tongue making the skin loose. when i run nail across it crinkles. can peel off,not red under. only by tooth.

5 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Kevin Nail answered

Specializes in Dentistry

Oral lesion: Is it possible that you burned your tongue or irritated it with something else such as acid or spicy food? Very salty, sugary, or rough food? Hot tea or coffee, or hot food. This could have irritated your tongue and caused to swell slightly from inflammation which makes it rub against your tooth and notice it more. It wouldn't hurt to go see you dentist for evaluation if you don't know a cause

Answered 5/19/2015


Dr. Theodore Davantzis answered

Specializes in Dentistry

Question ?: No question asked, but it appears you have a sharp edge on your tooth that is causing trauma on your tongue. Have a local dentist take a look to evaluate the condition and solve your problem.

Answered 5/19/2015


Dr. Paul Grin answered

Specializes in Pain Management

See your dentist: Your teeth can rub against your tongue or cheek causing ulcer and pain. See your dentist for adjustment. It is easy to fix.

Answered 8/17/2017



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