A member asked:

I have a small patch of bumps on my back that stings and hurt like throbbing and two on my right side area. what could this be? it's been a week now

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. John Feola answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

R/O SHINGLES: SHINGLES=HZV It is a viral infection that is a reactivation of past chicken pox infection. You need an exam and labs. If it is consistent with HZV you will need a course of prednisone /VALTREX/SILVADENE/LYRICA. And close follow up to monitor for post herpetic neuralgia

Answered 5/16/2015


Dr. William Coutts ii answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Shingles: If you had chicken pox as a child, the same virus causes shingles. The varicella virus "hides " in your nervous system, usually for life and stress is often the triggering factor for an out break of shingles. See your family doctor to get treated. Don't pop these blisters! It can spread more easily to others if you do.

Answered 5/16/2015



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