A member asked:

I've had a headache for 12 days straight and can't get rid of it otc meds..don't do anything. it's at the crown of my head all day and gets worse..

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Tension headache?: Go to an urgent care if you can not get a hold of your doctor. Need to be checked.

Answered 5/7/2015



Prolonged headache: this is not normal to have a headache for 12 days. You need to see a physician or go to urgent care. I am assuming you are not having any neurologic signs or symptoms with this headache. At least you should have your blood pressure checked. If you elevated good news to be treated. This could be a prolonged migraine headache. And good history and physical examination is in order. I highly recommen

Answered 10/6/2016



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