A member asked:

I keep getting bumpd on my under armd hard like pimple but never comes to head painful?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Jerome Litt answered

Specializes in Dermatology

Underarm Bumps: Can''t tell without seeing. It sounds as if you have a condition called hidradenitis suppurativa. Do see either a dermatologist or your primary care hysician for this. I wish you luck with this, disorder, because it's not an easy condition to cure.

Answered 1/14/2019


Dr. Jay Bradley answered

Specializes in Cornea, Cataract, & Refractive (LASIK & PRK) Surgery

? Abscess: Your description sounds like you have an abscess. This will likely need to be drained to get it to resolve.

Answered 9/28/2016



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