A member asked:

6 month old got vaccines and 4 hours later fever of 101. fever not going down with tylenol (acetaminophen) and has runny nose. she seems very miserable. er?

6 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Katharine Cox answered

Specializes in Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Fever: If she was otherwise well prior to the vaccines, it is highly likely they are causing her symptoms. Check her weight and make sure you are giving her 15mg/kg/dose of Tylenol (acetaminophen). If this is not working and she is inconsolable then you need to take her to get checked. All the best and I hope she feels better.

Answered 3/8/2015



Not necessarily: The 3rd dose of the pneumococcal vaccine will often give such a mild fever in infants. It is more expected than not. It may or may not respond to Tylenol, but a mild fever is not bad for the kid. As long as the kid takes feeds & stays hydrated it should pass in 48 hrs.

Answered 10/23/2017



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