A member asked:

Can a computer screen cause ocular migrane?

3 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Brett Noorda answered

Specializes in Dentistry

Yes: Yes, but so can many other non-visual stimuli. Migraines are thought to be due to altered blood flow in blood vessels in the brain. Exactly what causes the altered flow and what symptoms arise because of it are often unique to an individual. So for you the computer screen may be the trigger--for someone else it might be sunlight, or exercise, or certain foods.

Answered 7/31/2013


Dr. Atif Malik answered

Specializes in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Yes: Ocular migraines are a particular subset of migraines so if you're prone to getting them then almost anything case cause them.

Answered 4/4/2013



Migraine events occur due to neurotransmitter sensitivity to "triggers" of many causes, and computer screen blue light is one of many. This may respond to blue light blocker eye glasses, but preventative migraine meds may also work well. See a neurologist and evaluate various preventive approaches.

Answered 2/23/2022



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