Varies: There are a number if possibilities, the two mist common are a cervical radiculopathy or a rotator cuff tear. A cervical radiculopathy is an irritation if a nerve in the neck causing pain running into the shoulder. A torn rotator cuff does not always need a injury to cause, can be degenerative. I would not hesitate to be seen. An exam can usually determine the likely cause.
Answered 1/15/2016
See below: Without a history of trauma, neck and shoulder pain can be caused by poor posture, a bad disc in the spine, or an irritated nerve in the neck. Try placing a lumbar support behind your lower back when sitting to help straighten your shoulders. Sit closer to the table and avoid 'hunching' over the plate. If your pain doesn't improve in 2 weeks see your physician.
Answered 3/31/2019
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