A member asked:

Evaluate? free t3 2.7 free t4 1.36 tsh 1.6 mcv 106.9 mch 34.6 cl 110 rdw 11.2 b12 245 ua rbc 10-20 occult blood 2+ on synthroid (thyroxine) no alcohol b12 per dr

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Normal thyroid lab studies.: Your thyroid lab studies are within normal limits on whatever dose of Synthroid (thyroxine) you are now taking. Hypothyroidism particularly if due to Hashimoto's thyroiditis can be associated with other autoimmune entities such as pernicious anemia characterized by low B12 levels. in that situation B12 must be administered either sublingually daily or intramuscularly on a monthly basis. Active menses?

Answered 2/8/2015



Too much and yet....: Not enough info. Labs must be interpreted in light of your clinical situation. Your thyroid appears normal. Your red blood cells are uniformly and mildly enlarged. This may be that you had B12 deficiency and recently started B12. There are some red cells in your urine and some in your stool? These need explanation. See the doc who ordered these.

Answered 2/1/2015



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