A member asked:

I started having left inner knee pain that woke me up, couldn't bend or straighten knee. couldn't bear weight for 10 min. or so. has happened 2x?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Thomas Namey answered

Specializes in Rheumatology

May have...: Several mechanical issues: partially torn meniscus. A joint mouse, or growing fragment of cartilage that usually hides in recesses, but can surface between the joint and cause equsite pain. Because your problem has happened only twice and goes away, I am not inclined to think you have an inflammatory arthritis. Aother cause: synovial plica, a synovial fold that gets pinched. Pain inhibits motion!

Answered 9/20/2018



Torn meniscus: Could be a torn medial meniscus probably should get it checked out.

Answered 3/23/2013



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