A member asked:

I always drink at least 32 oz. of water before i go to bed but then wake up feeling dehydrated with my urine being a yellow color. why is this?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Fluid intake: 32 ozs is not that much fluid for a 24 hour period. Would have to count all fluids per entire day. If your urine is still dark, you could still behind on your fluid intake. Consult with your doctor to check for any problems.

Answered 12/16/2014


Dr. William Harris answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Normal: There are a few issues at play. When you sleep, you are not drinking water and you may be sweating just a little under the covers. We call this insensate loss - you don't actually feel the sweat you are losing. Everybody wakes up with dark urine. The trick is to drink plenty of water through the day such that your urine at the end of the day is clear. Then, you start the cycle over...

Answered 3/21/2013



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