A member asked:

What is the definition or description of: multi infarct dementia?

8 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. John Moranville answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Vascular dementia: Dementia refers to profound memory loss and cognitive impairment. Multi infarct means many episodes of low blood supply to the brain resulting in permanent brain damage (cva or stroke). Usually due to high blood pressure or other problems with heart and/or blood vessels.

Answered 7/6/2018



Due to strokes: "dementia" is loss of cognitive faculties to less than a person's previous baseline leading to an inability to function independently. "multi-infarct" means multiple strokes, usually caused by blockage of circulation in discrete areas of the brain resulting in dead brain cells and/or their connections to other brain cells. Multi-infarct dementia may be patchy in what works and what doesn't.

Answered 4/6/2019



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