A member asked:

Doubling a fentanyl patch dose and a subsequent death. is there any connection?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Would need more info: Fentanyl is a very powerfull opiod 1000 times more patent than morphine. How much opiod was the person taking? Opiod naive patient (persons who are not taking opiods) will react differently than people who are on chronic opiods. It is harder to hurt people on chronic opiods by increasing opiods they are already on but even they can be hurt. Was it given for chronic or new acute pain. It's possible.

Answered 4/6/2014


Dr. Dennis Yun answered

Specializes in Anesthesiology

Possibly: All medications have potential side effects or adverse events. Opioids can *all* cause respiratory depression which can ultimately lead to death. These medications can be helpful for pain, but can also be harmful. Without any more information, i can't reliably tell you that there is a connection. It's certainly possible, but there are so many other factors involved.

Answered 3/15/2013



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