Rearrange diet: You created this monster and now you have problems. First, you will find that your child's appetite is not as good as it used to be, because she is outgrowing as much as she was.Next limit milk to 16-20ounces.Third absolutely no popcorn, she an chock..Change nuggets to regular chicken, turkey, beef and liver.Introduce adult foods such as pasta, fish and eggs. Fruits and veggie if possible.No fries.
Answered 3/10/2013
You control the food: Your child shows a normal preference for salty/sweet processed food, but it's not healthy. You must take control! don't offer nor have them in your house , or you'll be tempted to give.Changing to a healthy diet won't be accepted until your baby is hungry. You're not a bad mom if she misses a meal-and when hungry she'll accept those healthy foods. Work with your dr to revise eating habits.
Answered 4/30/2015
Necessity is the: Mother of invention. If she is developmentally 12 mos., wean her to a double-handled, open-mouthed cup. Limit milk & milk products to 16-21 oz./day to avoid iron-deficiency & resultant developmental delays & juice to 0-4 oz./day, also from a cup. Have 3 sit-down family meals & 2 scheduled snacks/day. Model good food choices. Let her finger-feed, then offer to help. No popcorn or peanuts till 5 yr.
Answered 10/30/2019
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