A member asked:

My symptoms right side headache above the ear, dizziness, vomiting, all are intermittent, associated together. is it migraine?

3 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Could be: Your symptoms are suggestive of migraine headaches, you really need to have them evaluated by a doctor though.

Answered 3/26/2013



Migraine: Some women experience migraines or headaches during their monthly cycle. Also some respond that way either to blood loss or hormones. If you have headaches and dizziness migraine is a possibility. For the dizziness make sure you are not unsteady as a fall can be dangerous. Headaches with light or sound aversion, flashing lights or visual changes, dizziness before onset are symptoms of migraine.

Answered 8/20/2017


Dr. Jay Bayer answered

Migraine is an event: The diagnosis headaches is 95% history. Migraines are neurological events with numerous presentations and types. Keep diary of symptoms that may signal onset(aura, menstrruation)! duration, any triggers like poor sleep foods, etc. There is a variant called paroxysmal hemicrania- occurs one side and may repeat . Simple treatment with indocin (indomethacin). But take info to dr. Or neurologist proper diagnosis. M.

Answered 3/29/2013



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