A member asked:

My son is15 years old and having pin worms. please suggest some medicines he should take and precautions he should follow.

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Prescription: Have your son's pediatrician confirm the diagnosis and get a prescription for treatment. I am unaware of any recommended therapy that is available without a prescription that i would feel safe relying upon.

Answered 3/26/2013


Dr. Ralph Morgan Lewis answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Pin worms are: Treated with rx Mebendazole (vermox) or otc pin-x (pyrantel pamoate). Some recommend repeating treatment 2 weeks later to kill any newly hatched eggs. Also recommended entire family be treated. Sterilize toilet seat, bedding, bath linens, & other areas where bare bottoms might sit. Keeping fingernails short & thorough handwashing & keeping fingers out of the mouth help prevent re-infxn.

Answered 1/24/2016



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