A member asked:

I`m experiencing pains on my penis stretching pains it started 3 weeks ago it lasted for 4 days n now d pains have started yesterday. wats wrong wit me?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Reid Blackwelder answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Hard 2 say need info: Pain that lasts or recurs should usually be explored. It is hard to say without knowing more. Injuries/trauma can cause pain, but so can infections and some systemic problems. I always wonder about infection when the genitals are involved. Usually other symptoms likely burning, discharge or rash will be present but not always. Since it is coming back, go talk with someone!

Answered 2/28/2013



STD: If you had unprotected sex with someone and you have drainage. You need to see a doctor for evaluation for an std.

Answered 2/28/2013



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