A member asked:

I don't know if this rash developed over a 3 day period is an allergic reaction, or could be shingles, or even another type virus. i have never had chicken pox as a child, i confirmed this with my mom?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Need some info: Many people may have chicken pox exposure and not know; shingles is painful. It spreads in a distict dermatome, or nerve distribution of the skin. Is it all over the body? Any recent new soap or products? Were you ill? There are many types of rashes. Some are a reflection of a systemic ilnesss, some are viral, some bacterial, some are allergy. Hydrocortisone cream with fungal cream may b gd strt.

Answered 10/21/2014



Get it checked: Trying to diagnose a rash by phone or email is the most frustrating thing in the world. It could be all those things you mentioned, a post viral rash, a contact irritation, or even a topical staph infection. A doc can give you an immediate and accurate answer as to what it is, and what to do for it.

Answered 10/24/2014



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Mom has shingles. I've never had chicken pox. Is it contagious?

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