Allergic dermatitis: A skin rash from tomatoes is commonly the result of allergic contact dermatitis. Allergic contact dermatitis is a skin condition in which the skin becomes inflamed by coming in direct contact with an allergen or irritant, such as tomatoes. An allergist can confirm this by performing a patch test on your skin. If it is positive, you may have to avoid contact. Topical Hydrocortisone can help now.
Answered 7/25/2016
Yes: It seems at least a contact dermatitis from eating tomatoes. Other foods could do this as well. It is possible that cooked tomatoes would not have the same effect. It could be a sensitivity rather than an a classic allergy caused by and igg or ige mechanism.
Answered 9/16/2013
Rash: It is possibly a food allergy - other possibilities are saliva irritation - soap allergy - make up allergy -
Answered 9/12/2014
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