Repair: Typically we like to repair cleft lips when the baby reaches 10 pounds, 10 weeks of age and a hemoglobin of 10 or more. Cleft palates are normally closed at 8-12 months so that the maxilla can get maximal advancement which prevents extra surgery at a later date, .
Answered 10/4/2016
Oral /Plastic/ENT : See the specialist surgeons : oral, plastic and ent. There are many things you can do as you plan for the repair process. Use the team to help you do this. This is what they do. Later , speech therapist may be useful. You are doing the right thing !
Answered 1/12/2013
Surgery: Only surgery will correct cleft lip or palate. Most surgeons in the u.S will do the lip repair at about 6-10 weeks old, and the palate repair at 10-12 months old. Of course there are variations in this depending on the surgeon, the hospital, and the individual baby's situation.
Answered 4/16/2016
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