No: There is no cure , however there are treatments which will help the symptoms. Most common treatments include antihistamines( such as zyrtec, benadryl), h2 blockers( zantac, pepcid). If blood work shows positive antithyroid antibodies, medications like synthroid (thyroxine) may help. Prednisone, Cyclosporine are also available, but they have a lot of side effects. A promising treatment in studies is xolair.
Answered 1/12/2018
No: There is no cure , however there are treatments which will help the symptoms. Most common treatments include antihistamines( such as zyrtec, benadryl), h2 blockers( zantac, pepcid). If blood work shows positive antithyroid antibodies, medications like synthroid (thyroxine) may help. Prednisone, Cyclosporine are also available, but they have a lot of side effects. A promising treatment in studies is xolair.
Answered 6/24/2014
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