Nope: Check out the Campral website, it clearly states not recommended and will not work. Campral is intented to be used along with other forms of support for people seeking abstinence. If someone is trying to be abstinent and has a relapse or "slip" they should discuss this with their doctor, however the medication is not meant to make a moderate drinker out of a problem drinker, absolutely not!
Answered 1/18/2021
Yes, but shouldn't: Campral and alcohol will not make you sick, like antabuse, (disulfiram) but the purpose of taking it is to discontinue drinking completely. Are you in counseling while on the medication? If not, you should be! if you are still craving alcohol, you should talk to the Campral prescriber about considering another med like Naltrexone in addition or instead. If you're not going to self-help meetings you should.
Answered 6/30/2014
Acamprosate: Agree with Dr. Blixt. Acamprosate if not effective in treatment of people who are continuing to drink alcohol. Brand name Campral has been discontinued in the U.S.
Answered 1/18/2021
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