No: Cleft lips and cleft palates are surgically corrected by a cranio-facial reconstruction team that includes oral surgeons, plastic surgeons, ear-nose-throat surgeons, etc... Later, dentists and orthodontists straighten the teeth and add teeth implants if needed.
Answered 1/7/2019
No: Plastic surgeon or maxilla-facial surgeon is the doctor of choice.
Answered 9/28/2016
Sometimes: There are oral maxillofacial surgeons who are trained to do cleft palate and even cleft lip repairs. This specialty is a dental specialty and the vast majority are dentists. So, the answer is a complicated "sometimes".
Answered 9/28/2016
Yes: Oral and maxillofacial surgeons are dentists that continue their training to include facial surgeries and repairs. Many cleft teams are run by dentists but also include plastic surgeons and ents.
Answered 5/21/2015
Cleft lip repair: Oral surgeons and or orofacial plastic surgeons can fix cleft lips. general dentists are not qualified to do this
Answered 4/29/2015
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