A member asked:

How long should i expect to be out of work? i went to the er sun and was told that both my wrists are broken 1 with radical styloid fractured potentially scaphoid fracture, the otherdistal radius fracture. i work in customer service field on the computer

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Monica Wood answered

Specializes in Hand Surgery

For : For either one of these injuries alone, you could be expected to do computer work within a week or so, though a bit slower than your usual pace. However, with both wrists broken, it becomes much more difficult. Basic hygeine and eating can be difficult if both wrists are in casts. A radial styloid fracture, in and of itself, is not usually problematic and heals in about 6 weeks. However, it can be a marker for a more severe injury to the scapolunate ligament--part of the cornerstone of the wrist. You need to see a hand surgeon to determine if there is significant ligament instability. Sometimes the portion of the fracture that goes through the joint shifts and needs to be fixed surgically. Either of these situation would prolong the healing time. If there is indeed a scaphoid fracture, that wrist could be limited much longer, sometimes up to a year. The distal radius fracture depends on the fracture pattern. Most of these do not involve the joint, but can tip backwards and distort wrist mechanics. If it displaces, it may require surgery. Unfortunately, these can move at 2-3 weeks after injury. In short, your recovery time depends on the "personality" of the fractures and any associated injuries. If all goes especially well, you might be out of casts by 6 weeks, but there are a lot of other factors.

Answered 10/3/2016


Dr. Jeffrey Wint answered

Specializes in Hand Surgery

The : The answer could be anything from a few days to a few months depending upon how treatment is delivered. And what the defined details regarding these injuries are. If your employer allows yo to do work a t a reduced rate, perhaps they will have you come back sooner. If they demand you cannot work without a cast and you need one then that'll take time too. A lot of this is individualized to the injury and the employer and the treatment plan.

Answered 10/3/2016



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