Eating disorder: Yes there could be an association, and this often occurs. It is important to discuss these worries with your doctor and to be seen frequently until you are well.
Answered 9/30/2020
Yes: Eating disorders often include obsession with food -- either avoiding it, or consuming large quantities of it and then purging one's self of it. There may be very specific patterns with it; extreme control and thinking about it a lot. Numerous studies have shown that people with eating disorders have statistically higher rates of OCD (11% - 69%).
Answered 5/11/2016
Obsessed by food-yes: If anyone who has an eating disorder was not preoccupied with food or eating i would be astonished. It becomes a day and night obsession which is probably the reason it is called an eating disorder. Treatment ultimately has to make food and eating essentially a common, every day function and no longer an obsession.
Answered 9/28/2016
Eating disorder: Obsession with food, dieting, body image & appearance.
Answered 5/8/2016
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