A member asked:

I have a shock going though my leg.it don't hurt i can't sleep it only last 2 sec at a time and only happen every 4 mo. im 41 male.and so sleepy just can't go to sleep, because of it

A doctor has provided 1 answer

Sporadic : Sporadic pain that comes in the legs can be caused by a variety of issues, and sometimes the cause cannot be determined. "charlie horses" are cramps in the legs that occur at night. These can be helped by pulling up on the toe portion of the foot to get the cramp to stop. Sometimes cramping can be caused by electrolyte imbalance; if a patient is on medications that causes their potassium to be low for example they may need a potassium supplement. Sometimes nerve pain can cause shock-like sensations in the leg for unknown reasons. Some patients get "restless leg syndrome", where the legs move unexpectedly, which is uncomfortable for them. It would be reasonable to discuss the symptoms with a physician to try to help determine a cause.

Answered 10/3/2016



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