A member asked:

What could make me keep diaheria, having numbness in legs, feet, and hands, and make my chest hurt? went to the er about a month ago symptoms of serve diaheria, chest pains, and tingling in legs, feet, and hands. er doctor did blood work and dignose was l

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

You : You need to go back and be re-evaluated in the er based on your symptoms. If you had hypokalemia (low potassium), and now are dehydrated, have diarrhea, can't eat, have photophobia (light sensitivity) and stomach pain, then you need to go back to the er.

Answered 10/3/2016



Need to examine : Agree with Dr. E. You need an in-person evaluation and probably some tests. Keep hydrated with water and drinks like Gatorade.

Answered 12/16/2018



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