I : I always recommend that you speak with the medical provider who is prescribing your antidepressant directly before taking an additional medication, an herbal or a supplement. When medications are mixed, there is a possiblity that they can interact. Another option to help with your weight would be the addition of medical acupuncture to a balance of healthy diet; plenty of water and aerobic activity. Auricular (ear) acupuncture is safe and effective. There are several different protocols for weight loss. Good luck.
Answered 1/4/2019
None: There are not really any safe diet pills. , there are many techniques that can help, given your use of prozac, statistically a casein free, gluten free diet might be helpful if you struggle with cravings. Find a counselor to help you systematically address issues tha tmake it hard for you to loose wt.
Answered 1/7/2019
Agree with Dr. F: In addition to her advice, you may wish to join a support group like Weight watchers.
Answered 1/4/2019
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