A member asked:

Just wondering what the symptoms might be if you have carbon monoxide poising? if i do have how long should i wait to see a doct i have had a fever headache body aches my chest has been really tight and hurts to cough and breath deep.

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

The : The symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include headache, shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness and muscle aches. If others in the household have the same symptoms beware. Please stay somewhere else tonight, call a heating and cooling company or the fire department to check your furnace for carbon monoxide problems, see your physician soon to have your bood tested for carbon monoxide poisoning. If you really have all the symptoms you descibe, you might want to go to the er tonight to get tested sooner. Very very dangerous condition, usually associated with poorly functioning furnace, using a kerosene heater indoors, or using a gas stove for heating. Be careful and best wishes.

Answered 10/3/2016


Dr. Joram Seggev answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine - Allergy & Immunology

Viral cold, probably: The symptoms you describe are most probably a viral respiratory infection, even the real flu (influenza). See a physician, to make sure it is not anything more serious. Carbon monoxide poisoning is a "silent killer", usually causing very little symptoms before killing the patient; there may be fatigue and headache, but none of the symptoms you describe.

Answered 7/16/2015



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