A member asked:

Is my cycle irregular or regular? these are actual dates of when my period started ...it last 5 days each time. with these dates is it regular or irregular that it doesn't come on the same date every month april 30, 2011 may 26 june 21 july 19 aug 14 s

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

You : You have a very short cycle but those are very regular periods. It is good that you are keeping such close track. Some women have shorter cycles and that is normal.

Answered 4/1/2019


Dr. Heidi Fowler answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Regularity: Because each woman has a menstrual cycle of a certain length (if regular) - it won't fall on the exact same date of each month because the calendar months have different lengths. The months may be any where from 28 to 31 days long.

Answered 4/1/2019



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