Colonoscopy: Colonoscopy is the test of choice as it is diagnostic and therapeutic. Other diagnostic tests include ct colonography, stool test, barium studies.
Answered 10/1/2011
Scopes and Xrays.: Colonoscopy remains the gold standard test: it can see and remove polyps. Growths and irregularities of the colon and rectum can be seen with xray exams such as barium enema (or lower GI xray) and ct colonography (or virtual colonoscopy) but these can't biopsy or remove growths. Shorter scopes and tests for hidden blood can be used but can miss polyps as well as other colon problems.
Answered 6/10/2014
At least three: Fecal occult blood testing is meant to detect polyps and cancer. Signoidoscopy, or better yet colonoscopy is better. Colonoscopy being the gold standard. Imaging studies are gaining increasing acceptance.
Answered 6/9/2012
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