A member asked:

My 80 year old mom just went off meclizine how long will it take the bad side affects of confusion sleepiness difficulty breathing itching to go away?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Elden Rand answered

Specializes in Cardiology

May take a few days: The time it takes the body to process half of the dose is ~5 hours, but the the duration of action of Meclizine is approx 24hrs. If she was having adverse side effects of meclizine, would expect to gradually improve over 1-3 days or so after stopping it, depending on how efficient her body is at processing it.

Answered 9/2/2016



Discuss w her MD: Many medical conditions and medications side effect can cause old to get confused. So u need to discuss her condition and expectation with her physician. Good luck.

Answered 10/3/2016



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