A member asked:

A 2 years old boy has symptoms that include intussusepcion, haemolatic anaemia, ongoing fevers, lethargy, siezure, jaundice and vomiting. doctors can'tdiagnose. any ideas?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Joseph Bouvier answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

See below: Has anyone looked into genetic diseases of metabolism? If not, ask about these. There are many metabolic disorders that can eventually lead to other physical manifestations like seizures, vomiting, jaundice, bowel disorders, etc. By 2 years of age. Good luck!

Answered 12/26/2014



Meckels: A meckel's diverticulum is a possibilty. It is a anomaly of the intestine that can act as a lead point and acause intussusception and can cause ulcers that result in chronic blood loss and anemia. Can also cause abdominal pain.

Answered 3/11/2013



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