Work hard on it !!: A knee replacement, if done correctly, is designed to bend almost fully. It is essential to regain full range of motion after surgery for a good result and improved lifestyle. Limited bending may come from poor patient effort, technical errors in surgery, trouble with medications, or therapy issues. Often a surgeon will help the knee bend under anesthesia if you can't get it yourself!
Answered 10/10/2020
Don't give up!: It depends how far from surgery you are. Initial stiffness is common during the inflammatory stage of healing. This is when warmth of the knee and night pain is most noticeable. As inflammation decreases, range of motion increases. This is the most common cause of early stiffness and is best addressed with appropriately aggressive pt, both oral and topical nsaids and rest.
Answered 11/8/2019
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3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
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3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
6 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
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