A member asked:

Dear sirs, my daughter is 22 years old and she has ms (multiple schelerosis) , so what is the best medicine for such case. thanking you in advance.?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

VARIABLE: No 2 ms pts are alike, medicines may be helpful for some, but useless for others. If recently been diagnosed, her MRI and exam can predict how aggressive the illness may become. With a large burden of disease, and an abnormal exam, it is best to start with the most potent meds, such as tysabri (natalizumab) or gilenya. Years 1-5 are most critical. Need efficacy from the start. Also, vit d, 5-10k u/day.

Answered 10/30/2014



Many options: There are many answers to your question. Most neurologists would choose an immune suppressant medication (either an injection or a pill) and look after her vitamin D level. The answer depends on the patient and their history.

Answered 6/8/2018



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