A member asked:

Are there homeopathic ways to help sciatica?

5 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Maybe: Siactica means a lot of different things to a lot of diferent people. What is true siatica can be helped by ice rest and stretchinh exercises. But other conditions susch as piriformis syndrome can cause similar siymptoms agaiin exercises stretching. In most cases doing simple rest ice and stretching can benefit. But if that fails need eval because even atypical lumbar disc disease can be mistaken.

Answered 3/12/2016


Dr. Pamela Pappas answered

Specializes in Psychiatry

Yes: Thousands of homeopathic remedies can help back pain, including sciatica. A deep-acting constitutional remedy, prescribed with thorough understanding of your case, is often best because you want to address your whole being if possible. Some homeopathic medicines found useful in sciatica include calcarea carbonica, kali carbonicum, rhus tox, and agaricus -- these can all be constitutional ones.

Answered 3/26/2013


Dr. Qamar Khan answered

Specializes in Pain Management

Core Exercises: Typically core strengthening exercises are the best to help relieve pressure and forces in the spine. I would try and google some or look them up on youtube to see descriptions. If you can do them yourself, wonderful otherwise ask your doctor to get a referral to a good physical therapist for further assistance. Alternatively there are non-steroidal injections and stem cell therapies available.

Answered 7/6/2014



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