Several: Multiple epidural steroid injections over the long term can result in: 1. Scar tissue surrounding the nerve sac (the dura) which can sometimes lead to spinal fluid leak with headaches 2. Higher risk of infection, bleeding 3. Avascular necrosis of the hips (the hip bone loses blood supply which can lead to premature arthritis) 4. Increased blood sugar (especially in diabetics).
Answered 4/10/2014
Epidural steroids: Side effects depend on how frequently you get the injections and may include: spinal bone and muscle weakening, adrenal insufficiency (hormonal inballance). This is why the number of injections given per year are limited to decrease these risks.
Answered 1/25/2014
Hopefully : Pain relief.
Answered 10/23/2012
Sometimes: Sometimes long term cure. Rarely, chemical injury can occur. Remember that steroids are like real estate: it's all location.
Answered 9/28/2016
Mulitple Effects: Weight gain, avascular necrosis of a hip/knee (severe breakdown requiring joint replacement), hair loss, adrenal suppression. However, these side effects are rare. Nonetheless, you must consider with your physician risks versus benefits of steroids or any treatment option considered. Epidural steroid injections can provide the right patient with significant relief of symptoms.
Answered 9/26/2019
Pain relief: On the positive side the effect would be less pain and greater quality of life. Long term adverse effects are minimal.
Answered 5/26/2017
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