A member asked:

Had a lung biopsy for interstitial lung disease what is some side effects

4 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Sue Ferranti answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Depends...: Did you have an open lung biopsy or a biopsy via bronchoscopy? The more common is via bronchoscopy and the side effects of this include coughing up some blood, which should be small amounts and should stop after a few days. Other possible side effects include low grade fever, cough. If you are coughing significant amounts of blood, high fever or short of breath, then you need to go to the er.

Answered 10/9/2012


Dr. Klaus d Lessnau answered

Specializes in Pulmonary Critical Care

Ok: Should be ok unless you cough up blood or you are short of breath. Get in touch with the lung expert who did the biopsy if you experience something new. Lung biopsies are usually very safe.

Answered 3/26/2013


Dr. Michael Sanders answered

Specializes in Pulmonology

See below: The 3 most common issues are: hypoxia - dropping your oxygen pneumothorax - collapsed lung bleeding

Answered 6/5/2017



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