No: Concentration often causes suppression of the natural blink reflex resulting in drying of the surface of the eye. This can result in blurring which may be relieved by resting the eyes or using artificial tears to lubricate the ocular surface. In such cases, diffusion of the light coming into the yes can accentuate the appearance of floaters already present.
Answered 7/16/2013
Yes, but...: ... Only those that were already there. Those of us who have floaters tend not to notice them unless we stare at a bright background. If you have floaters and look at a computer screen, you may see them, while you may not in dimmer lighting. Any new floaters should be evaluated by an eye doctor.
Answered 9/29/2015
Yes: If u are seeing floaters take superoxide dismutase 12000 units twice daily for 1 week if it persists see ur doc.
Answered 10/28/2016
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