A member asked:

I've recently had varicose vein treatment, i had surgery once before, but this time i've had the injections, how long should the pain last, and will it take longer as i have klippel trenauny syndrome?

4 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Couple of wks: Most likely your big veins were ligated, striped, and had sclerosing injections were given to small spider veins, this may take2 to 3 wks, speak to your doctor, other problem you meant carpel tunnel syndrome, due to compression of median nerve at wrist, your doctor will mobilize wrist first with splint , physical therapy, if fails will release the nerveby surgery.Bothare not bad wiibefine.

Answered 12/9/2013



Complex problem: As i assume you know kts can be somewhat of a challenge to manage. If initial point of reflux has been dealt with pain from injections may last several weeks. Should follow up with your md to see if "trapped" blood in the injectec veins needs treatment.

Answered 11/10/2015


Dr. Ted King answered

KTS: As dr. Clark said, klippel-trenaunay syndrome (kts) is a very complex problem that often requires prolonged and complex treatment. Intravascular coagulum (ic) or "trapped blood" is a common cause of continued pain after sclerotherapy and can be helped by removing the blood with a needle. If there is ic, it generally means that more treatment is needed. Good news: the pain will go away.

Answered 2/27/2013



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