A member asked:

Is a good high fiber diet helpful is you have high cholesterol?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Yes.: This answer has somewhat changed over time, but many health professionals agree that a diet with many fruits and vegetables, high fiber foods like wheat bread, beans, etc., and healthy meats like chicken and fish are the staples of a good diet to reduce risk of heart disease. Fish are especially good due to their omega3-fatty acids. A glass of wine per day has also been agreed upon to be helpful.

Answered 9/4/2019



Absolutely: A high fiber diet can be helpful both alone and in combination with certain medications. Fiber helps to prevent the dietary absorption of cholesterol and also improves glucose metabolism which in turn increases the size of your cholesterol particles (a good thing). Your best bet is soluble fiber to maximize these benefits.

Answered 3/7/2018



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