A member asked:

In the past 2 days i've had sharp, spasm like side abdominal pains and sometimes i will feel nauseated, it doent go away?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Depends: Depends on many factors including your age, sex, which side it is on, how long it lasts, etc. When it comes to abdominal pain, there are several possibilities, some simple and some serious. If it continues, you need to be examained.

Answered 5/2/2013


Dr. Alvin Lin answered

Many possibilities: Our abdomen contains many organs that can cause pain. Right upper quadrant pain can be liver or gallbladder. Right lower quadrant pain can be appendix or ovarian. Left lower quadrant pain could be ovary or diverticulitis. Right & left flank pain could be kidney. Sometimes a lower lobe pneumonia sitting on diaphragm can mimic abdominal pain. Go see your family physician if pain persists.

Answered 9/28/2016



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