A member asked:

As a doctor, would u sugest an estrogen or progesterone based bc since i am highly prone to cysts, let alone have them.?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Gerard Honore answered

Specializes in Fertility Medicine

Estrogen/progestin: To avoid misunderstanding, all bc is basically progestational in action - that's how it works - regardless of whether it contains estrogen or not. There is no science to give a'rule' about which is more effective/less risky for functional ovarian cysts, it's based on trial and error. That said, i think most do better with a combination oc containing both, start with that.

Answered 9/28/2016



Agree with above: I would only add that there is some very hidden data in the literature regarding ovulation (cyst formation) and the different progestins. I agree the effect of bc's is primarily pro gestational. Pills with norgestimate (ortho cyclen, nuva ring) and desogestryl (desogen) are much more effective at follicle suppression. We use that little known fact to our advantage in fertility treatment.

Answered 3/26/2013



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