Antihistamines: Contact dermatitis is an immune response. The oil from poison sumac caused your immune system to react by releasing inflammatory cells, which release histamine among other things. The rash is a result. Benadryl (diphenhydramine) is an anti-histamine. You may also need a steroid to settle your over reactive immune system down. Anything which calms the skin is good, like chilled aloe vera.
Answered 6/24/2014
Can't: It has to run its course, however topical Benadryl (diphenhydramine) and/or cortizone cream may reduce reddness and symptoms. Oral steroids may be required for larger or more severe outbreaks, possibly along with antihistamine & h2 blocker to reduce symptoms. You've got it for about two weeks. Sorry!
Answered 1/21/2019
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