A member asked:

I have a problem that i blink my eyes always how can i get rid of it?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Depends on the cause: Excess blinking or odd motions of eyes/eyelids may be tics, which are habits that worsen with reminders (such as a people talking about tics), with stress, or with other stimuli (such as allergies). Allergies, which can cause blinking, eye rubbing, itchy or watery eyes, or reddish eyes can be treated. An eye doctor can check, before attributing the blinking to a tic (which can be hard to treat).

Answered 12/9/2013


Dr. Faramarz Hidaji answered

Specializes in Cosmetic Surgery

Blepharospasm: Bemign essential blepharospasm is uncontrollably blinking of both eyes, without a clear cause. Most often patients with this symptom suffer with anxiety or depression. The most effective treatment is Botox injection, but i would also tend to the deeper psychological causes at the same time.

Answered 6/24/2014



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